
Plenary talks

The (temporary) program is the following one and be dowloaded here.

  Wednesday 11th June

Thursday 12th June

Friday 13th June
09h00 – 09h15 Welcome: coffee and registration – Hall Duboué Plenary conference: M. Nikulin
Amphi G
Plenary conference: C. Huber
Amphi G
09h15 – 09h30
09h30 – 09h45
09h45 - 10h00 Parallel session 7 Amphi G Parallel session 8 Amphi H Parallel session 9 Amphi G Parallel session 10 Amphi H
10h00 - 10h15 Openning ceremony – Amphi G
10h15 - 10h30
10h30 - 10h45 Plenary conference: W. Meeker
Amphi G
10h45 - 11h00 Coffee break Coffee break
11h00 - 11h15
11h15 - 11h30 Parallel session 1 Amphi G Parallel session 2 Amphi H Plenary conference: U. Kamps
Amphi G
Plenary conference: V. Solev
Amphi G
11h30 - 11h45
11h45 - 12h00
12h00 - 12h15 Lunch Lunch
12h15 - 12h30 Lunch
12h30 - 12h45
12h45 - 13h00
13h00 - 13h15
13h15 - 13h30
13h30 - 13h45 Social program Plenary conference: (to be announced)
Amphi G
13h45 - 14h00 Plenary conference: P. Schimmerling
Amphi G
14h00 - 14h15
14h15 - 14h30 Plenary conference: E. Elsayed
Amphi G
14h30 - 14h45 Parallel session 3 Amphi G Parallel session 4 Amphi H
14h45 - 15h00
15h00 - 15h15 Closing ceremony – Amphi G
15h15 - 15h30
15h30 - 15h45 Coffee break    
15h45 - 16h00    
16h00 - 16h15 Parallel session 5 Amphi G Parallel session 6 Amphi H    
16h15 - 16h30    
16h30 - 16h45    
16h45 - 17h00    
17h00 - 17h15 Plenary conference: K. Suzuki
Amphi G
17h15 - 17h30    
17h30 - 17h45    



List of sessions

The (temporary) list of sessions is the following one and be dowloaded here.

Parallel Session 1: Multivarite models in reliability / Wednesday 11th June, 11h15 – 12h15 / Amphi G
1h15–11h35 Barros Anne Multivariate Degradation Model with dependence due to Shocks
11h35–11h55 Billon Aurelie, Bordes Laurent, Darfeuil Pierre, Humbert Sophie, Paroissin Christian Component degradation modeling based on feedback data of helicopter turboshaft engine
11h55–12h15 Caballé Nuria C., Castro Inmaculada T., Pérez Carlos J. A model for a system subject to multiple degradation processes and external shocks: The case of dependent causes of failure
Parallel Session 2: Relaibility analysis / Wednesday 11th June, 11h15 – 12h15 / Amphi H
11h15–11h35 Kostolny Jozef, Kvassay Miroslav, Zaitseva Elena Comparison of algorithms for calculation of Direct Partial Logic Derivatives using Decision Diagrams
11h35–11h55 Antonov Aleksandr, Chepurko Valeriy On one model of non-homogeneous flows of events
11h55–12h15 Dereffye Jérôme The numerical simulation of the dynamical reliability as a complementary tool of accelerated life test.
Parallel Session 3: Accelerated life test / Wednesday 11th June, 14h30 – 15h30 / Amphi G
14h30–14h50 Joel A. Nachlas Accelerated Testing analysis for bivariate reliability models
14h50–15h10 Linkov Alexander, Antonov Alexander Accelerated Life Testing analysis with type-I censored
Parallel Session 4: Imperfect repair models /Wednesday 11th June, 14h30 – 15h30 / Amphi H
14h30–14h50 Toledo Maria Luiza, Freitas Marta, Colosimo Enrico, Gilardoni Gustavo ARA and ARI Classes of Imperfect Repair Models for Reliability Prediction of Repairable Systems
14h50–15h10 Nguyen Dinh Tuan, Dijoux Yann, Fouladirad Mitra Virtual age distribution and Statistical inference of an imperfect repair model
Parallel Session 5: Accelerated degradation models / Wednesday 11th June, 16h00 – 17h00 / Amphi G
16h00–16h20 Ghamlouch Houda, Fouladirad Mitra, Grall Antoine Volatility State Division and Jump-Diffusion Process for prognosis: Case of Equity Price Modeling
16h20–16h40 Peng Chien-Yu Inverse Gaussian processes with random effects and explanatory variables for degradation data
16h40–17h00 M. Abadie, M. Chevalier, F. Corset, L. Doyen, R. Drouilhet, O. Gaudoin Accelerated degradation tests with successive measures
Parallel Session 6: Parametric models / Wednesday 11th June, 16h00 – 17h00 / Amphi H
16h00–16h20 Martynov Gennadi Gaussianity test for random processes
16h20–16h40 Ezlegini Leila, Azhdari Parvin Quantile Estimation In Lognormal and weibull regression models Using Bayesian And Maximum Likelihood Approaches
16h40–17h00 Haghighi Firoozeh, Castagliola Philippe Conditional Shewhart-type control charts for monitoring the Weibull shape parameter
Parallel Session 7: Goodness-of-fit / Thursday 12th June, 09h45 – 10h45 / Amphi G
09h45–10h05 Dupuy Jean-François, Ben Elouefi Rim Goodness of fit test for the stratified proportional hazards model
10h05–10h25 Xuan Quang Tran, Nikulin Mikhail, Tahir Ramzan Powerful evaluation of some modified goodness-of-fit tests for the Hypertabastic distribution
10h25–10h45 Beitollahi Arman Goodness of fit tests in different case for different type of censoring
Parallel Session 8: Degradation models / Thursday 12th June, 09h45 – 10h45 / Amphi H
09h45–10h05 Papamichail Chrysanthi Crack growth analysis by a Markov process perturbation model: Application to reliability
10h05–10h25 Hove Herbert Stochastic process model for competing risks in accelerated reliability testing
10h25–10h45 Waltraud Kahle Sequential techniques for parameter estimation and optimal maintenance in degradation processes
Parallel Session 9: Step-stres and censored data / Friday 13th June, 09h45 – 10h45 / Amphi G
09h45–10h05 Shamilov Aladdin, Ozdemir Sevda, Yilmaz Nihal Generalization entropy optimization methods for survival data
10h05–10h25 Kateri Maria Step-Stress Models Under Interval Censoring
10h25–10h45 Abushal Tahani, Soliman Ahmed Bayes Estimation of the Pareto parameters under progressive censoring data for constant-partially accelerated life tests using MCMC
Parallel Session 10: Reliability assesment / Friday 13th June, 09h45 – 10h45 / Amphi H
09h45–10h05 Demgne Jeanne, Mercier Sophie, Lair William, Lonchampt Jérôme, Baudin Michaël Quasi Monte Carlo methods for the numerical assessment of investments plans
10h05–10h25 Dereffye Jérôme The calculation of the time ? dependent failure probability of a component with damage modeling in RELSYS software
10h25–10h45 Dehmous Hocine, Karama Moussa, Welemane Hélène Contribution of a micromechanics-based approach for reliability assessment


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